Our Vision

Moving towards a sustainable organization by creating an agile product-oriented organization in the context and framework of the principles of systemic thinking, in order to create the targeted values of the beneficiaries (economic, technical, social and environmental responsibility) in the national, regional and extra-regional markets until 1404 .

Our Sustainability Vision

Para que las generaciones futuras vivan en un mundo habitable y próspero, nos esforzamos por asegurarnos de reducir nuestra huella en nuestra naturaleza mientras logramos nuestro objetivo y aumentamos nuestra contribución para alentar a la sociedad a vivir de manera sostenible. Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online


Our values form our corporate culture and influence our business strategies. It also helps us in goal setting, improvement, team cohesion and creating a sense of commitment to our ideals.

کیفیت محوری

Quality Culture

هویت و اعتبار ما از پایبندی ما به امر کیفیت و بهبود مستمر آن ناشی می شود.