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This product is produced as a side product in the production process of dextrose monohydrate powder. After the formation of dextrose monohydrate crystals in the crystallizer and the separation of dextrose crystals (monosaccharides) from other sugars in the separator (centrifuge) unit, a side product called Hidoral; A thick sugary liquid remains with a dry matter percentage of 42-50%, which contains disaccharides (maltose, isomaltose) and trisaccharides (maltotriose). This product is used in the food industry (substitute for sugar) and in the fermentation and ethanol production industries.
This product is usually concentrated and used as a substrate for fermentation or caramel production. It is also used as a substitute for sugar in the food industry.
  • It has yellow to white color
  • High dry matter (around 40-50%)
  • No starch (Negative Aidan test)
  • Top candy (DE=86-92)
  • Low amount of salts and ash
  • Create Brix
  • Create desired sweets
  • fermentability
  • Improving the aroma, taste and texture of fermented products
  • viscosity control, humidity, sweetness, color strengthening and stabilization
  • Strengthening and maintaining the microbial stability of products due to high osmotic pressure
  • Strengthening and maintaining the microbial stability of products due to high osmotic pressure
Maintenance Conditions
  • Keep in a dry, cool, clean environment and at room temperature.
Product durability
  • The recommended usage period is 1 month after production.

Types of packaging :

Technical Specifications
liquid hydrol
appearance state slightly yellow liquid
Solubility Soluble in water
Percentage of dry matter 40 – 50
DE dextrose equivalent 86 – 92
PH 3.0 – 4.5
EC ≤ 100 us/cm
Iodine test Negative
Sulphated ash (percentage) Maximum 0.5

Read more about the use of this product